List of Speed Calls

A speed call is like using a speed dial on your telephone. You know how you used to push one number, and the phone automatically dialed ten digits.

Similarly, with a Speed Call, when you use a short phrase, it activates pages of intentions I have channeled in an attempt to make it easier to clear energy about a certain situation.

Most of the Speed Calls are self-explanatory by their name. They do what the name says. ”Bless-ed Travels. Home Security. Optimal Working Conditions. They do what they say they do but with a lot more power behind them.

Most are straightforward in doing what they are asking, with the exception of a few. Resolution of Murder , for instance, should be used not only for a murderer or a murder victim; it should be used for anyone who knows those people.  It also works for those who have committed suicide. It is even beneficial to people who are suicidal. It works for the victim and their loved ones.  Even if you don’t know anyone who has been killed. Try using it on yourself and your family lineages.

I, _______, place myself, _______, into a Full Court of Atonement with the entirety of my family lineages for the purpose of Resolution of murder.

For instance, Restoration of Self is a speed call.  When you say “for the purpose of Restoration of Self.   It activates everything I’ve listed below. 

Restoration of Self

Asks that these words activate the process of restoring the individuals named or intended into the Court of Atonement to their most appropriate connection to body, Soul, and Spirit. 

Asks to integrate the Soul, Spirit, and physical form creating solidarity and divine connection to life force energies.

Asks for the results of the Full Court of Atonement to be felt by the named or intended person to the core of every cell in the physical form. 

Asks that the operation of the Court of Atonement be discussed with each and every Soul, Spirit, or Denied Aspect that was present at the moments being investigated by the Court of Atonement.

Asks to adjust the frequency of the emotional body to be receptive to the court’s findings.

Asks to adjust the frequency of the mental body to one of inert sublime acceptance of the court’s findings.

Asks to analyze the brain of the individual named or intended in the Court of Atonement and resolve any and all degradation of brain matter. Asks to restore the health of the brain to optimal working status. 

Asks to relieve the body of any and all dependencies of state-altering substances and allow the body to once again feel the rush of excitement known to them in their youth. 

Asks to create subtle but palpable pleasure in the physical bodies of those who are named and or intended into the Court of Atonement. 

Asks to create within the named and or intended party the love and joy of being alive. 

Asks to create a sensation of understanding and acceptance of the topics being analyzed and create Atonement at the core of every cell. 

I may eventually put out a booklet of what is in all of these speed calls. But for now, the information is only available in classes. Speed Calls 2019, Speed Calls 2020, Speed Calls 2021, and Speed Clearing.

Sign up here to receive free lessons explaining how to use the Court of Atonement. You will receive 14 days of emails and receive updates on classes and unique ways of using the Full Court of Atonement.

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Holding Energy for Someone Else.

Sometimes we feel the energy for other people. This happens when we hear a story, and we feel the emotions the other person is feeling. We often say things like, “Oh, I really feel for my friend right now, they are going through….”

When we absorb someone else’s emotions, we can find ourselves overreacting!

When you find yourself identifying with other peoples issues, we can not only hold the emotional upset, we actually identify ourselves as them.

If you want to know if you are holding someone elses energy, ask yourself, “Am I identifying with someone else?” And feel the answer “Yes or no?”

Say your name. “I am, .”
Then say the name of the person whose energy you might be holding. “I am,
.” Yes or no?

Keep asking until you feel a yes.
Like this, “I am my mother,_____.” Yes or no? ”
I am my father, _____ ” Yes or no?
” I am my brother, __. ” Yes or no?
Sister, Friend, boss, spouse, child, etc.

I, __________ place myself,_________ into a Full Court of Atonement with the part of myself that believes myself to be, _. I ask to resolve any and all conflicts between us and within me. I ask for amenable dissolution of this energy.

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Kicking the Habit

Years ago, I read one of Anthony Robbin’s books. In it, he discussed helping people quit smoking. He told them that they should tell themselves over and over. “I’m a non-smoker. I never smoke!” He said… “Say this to yourself every time you are lighting up and taking that first wonderful drag of smoke.”

He said that one day you will say this to yourself, and something inside of you will say, “Then why is that thing on fire in your hand?”

He said… You will quit smoking without even trying.

Years later, I realized that I was drinking my 6th cup of coffee at 2 am in the morning while singing in a bar.

I had created a habit of drinking coffee all night while I was working.

Wanting to stop this habit, I used Tony’s Technique, and I began saying to myself. “I don’t drink coffee. I never drink coffee. I don’t even like coffee.”

I said it every time I drank coffee. Even that first wonderful delicious sip in the morning.

Within a few days, I suddenly realized that I was craving tea instead of coffee. I was able to start drinking water and enjoying tea in the morning instead of coffee.

I gave up coffee for YEARS! I drink coffee now, but it is one or two cups a day instead of pot after pot of it.

I have also used this technique to stop craving sugar, as well as stopping playing video games!

I still eat sugar and drink coffee, but it is in much smaller quantities. I don’t play video games anymore, which is something because I loved them, and I was good at them!!

If you have a habit that you are trying to stop, try telling yourself you never do that, even when you are doing it and loving every moment of it.

Here is a Court of Atonement statement to help get you started.

I, _______ place myself, __________ into a Full Court of Atonement for the purpose of knowing what patterns and habits are good for me and which ones I would do well to be rid of. I ask myself to remind myself of talking myself out of it.

For more information about Amy Jo and the Court of Atonement go to

For a 14 day email course introducing the Court of Atonement you can sign up here.

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Clearing the Holidays

I have been extremely happy and enjoying the prep for the holidays. So I was totally surprised last night, when I said “Merry Christmas” to a stranger walking past and nearly burst into tears. 

I had recently recognized that I had stopped saying Merry Christmas and was only saying “Happy Holidays!” 

The reason I had switched, was because I knew subconsciously that “Merry Christmas” had been subliminally connected to my sister’s death in 2005.   
The first Christmas after my sister’s death, I was in such a negative space that I even wrote a song called “Merry Effing Christmas!” Lol. We were all miserable, and no one felt in the holiday spirit. 

My sister died 15 years ago, and here I was still having problems with saying the words Merry Christmas, yesterday!  

Lucky for me, I have the Full Court of Atonement to help me remove those negative associations. 

I used the magic of alignment phrasing to remove the detrimental links to the words “Merry Christmas.” 

In the statement below, I went on to clear and bless other holidays. But I do not know them all, so I left you a blank to fill in the names of your cultural holidays. 

I, _______ place myself, _________ into a Full Court of Atonement with each and every level of conscious, God, and my guides. I bring in the entirety of my family lineages for the purpose of correcting any and all areas of dissension about or around the holidays. 

I ask to purify and sanctify the words “Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Hanukkah,  Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Easter, Happy Valentines Day, __________.   (4th of July, St. Patrick’s day. Keep naming them) 

I, _______ place each and every level of my consciousness God and my guides into a Full Court of Atonement for the purpose of correcting all the reasons behind the dissension and I ask to create Joy and elation around the holidays. 

 I ask myself to create openness and willingness to fully enjoy the holidays.

You may wish to repeat those a few times. Also, use them for friends and relatives who might be suffering through another holiday season.

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Retaliation Story

I am very lucky that I do not take my shortcomings seriously when it comes to spelling and punctuation. There was a time when someone publically corrected my spelling in a group forum, and it hurt me so badly that I cried all night.

I had written this charming story about helping a young pastor to overcome his fear of singing in public.

The next morning I was reading all of the kind comments from people who enjoyed the story when I came across a comment that said. “F@#@ A$$ wipe! Learn how to spell! It’s Pastor not PASTURE!”

Over twenty years later, retelling it makes me feel the need to place us both in a Full Court of Atonement. (done) Back then, I did not have this tool.

I remember clearly, autocorrect asking me to pick between two similar-sounding nouns “Pasture and Pastor” I remember seeing it and laughing as they did not seem silimar to me.

I could have sworn that I had chosen Pastor.

I still feel betrayed by the autocorrect because I already had written it correctly!  ( I just called an FCOA again for this)

This man’s rude comment could have easily been the very end of  my writing career because I was CRUSHED!!!

The only reason that I can write these emails (and these booklets) is that I have faced what hurt me and chose not to let it stop me. It was a choice… He wins or I win? Which one do I choose?

The next morning I wrote back to the person who had corrected me. I said in rebuttal to his comment. “ownly uh tru genous kan rite aye onederful storee. Eny ideot kan edet itt!”

My cleverness put a laugh back in my broken heart and I began to feel somewhat better. A few days later, I went to visit a friend when I noticed that he had printed out my comment and posted it on his wall.

He said, “This was the best comeback I’ve ever seen.”

In my class “the Need for Retaliation.” I said that the difference between Revenge and Retaliation is this: Revenge lashes out blindly to do the most damage, while Retaliation is a calculated, preemptive strike meant to put a stop to the situation.

My miss-spelled comment was Retaliation. He never said another word in that group.

If you have a situation that is gnawing at you that you need to put a stop to, try using the Resolution of Needs for Completion.

I place myself, ____________ into a Full Court of Atonement for the purpose of Resolution of Needs for Completion. 

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There are many reasons why we procrastinate, but the biggest of them all is that we do not feel safe doing what we are putting off. We may feel overwhelmed. “it is too big of a project!” “It’s going to take too long, and I’m going to miss out on something fun.” “It’s too hard.” “I’m not strong enough.”

We have a million reasons to put things off, but the reality is we feel unsafe at the core of those reasons.

We have an alarm that rings in the nervous system that tells us we are not safe, and it sets off hormones to assist in the body functions of fighting off an enemy or fleeing from one.

The signal shuts down digestion and restorative programs to increase the amount of energy available to run or fight.

The fight, flight, or freeze signal is going off even when the alarm is ringing, even when there is nothing to run from or to fight. The fight, flight, or freeze signal can resonate through the body simply because our report is late, the house is a mess, and our spouse will be home soon, or even because the garage is a disaster and the thought of cleaning it is overwhelming. (Freeze)

When we are faced with a simple task that signals this response system, we respond by either diving into the task to get it done (Fight), We choose to go to the movies and do this another time. (Flight) or feeling overwhelmed and paralyzed standing in the doorway feeling sick, unable to go in and get it done. (Freeze) We stand there until we think of something that needs to be done first, and we leave. (flight)

When I was a child, we took turns doing the dishes. I can remember being about 10 years old standing on a milk crate (to reach the sink) and facing a full day’s worth of dishes for six people.

Later as an adult, the sight of my kitchen being a disaster would send a shock wave through my body and I would walk away.

I learned about stoping overwhelm. The best way to resolve it was to break the project into bite-sized chunks. I now tell myself. “Wash five dishes.” For the past 12 years, I have kept my kitchen very clean (by comparison) because every time I would walk through the kitchen, I would say to myself, “Just wash five dishes.” Once I started washing them, I would feel safe enough to finish, because I have permitted myself to walk away after only five! If I felt tired, I would congratulate myself for doing what I set out to do (5 dishes) and celebrate as I walked away.

Here is a Court of Atonement to help us clean up overwhelm and unsafe feelings around those pesky projects we’ve been putting off.

Think of something that you are putting off doing and then use this call.

I, _________ place each and every level of my consciousness into a Full Court of Atonement for the purpose of correcting my thought processess about completing the task of, __________________.

I ask myself to create openness and willingness to start and finish this task.

(as I wrote this, I thought of the laundry room where our camping gear got dumped a couple of weeks ago, and I have been dreading cleaning. I did this call, and got up and went to the laundry room and cleaned it! It only took 10 minutes!!!)

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Common Questions About the FCOA

Do I have to say the FCOA Outloud?

It is more powerful out loud.  We concentrate better when we say things out loud, but sometimes it is not possible.   If you must call them in your head, give them your undivided attention.  If you say them in your mind with determination it will work!

How often do I say them? 

You do not need to repeat them.
If I am saying these calls for myself, (like to clear energy off of me or correct an unwanted habit.)  I will repeat them several times until I feel like I cannot say it again.

If I am saying making the request for someone else, to try to help them clear their energy or stop a habit that I don’t like, I do not repeat it.   I just let it go and see what happens.  If in a few weeks I notice it’s not better or it is worse, I will look for something that I might be missing.

For instance, if there is a person I am trying to gently help stop smoking, I might notice that his father was a smoker. Then I will have the thought “Maybe this guy’s urge to smoke goes back to his father.”  To gently assist the man more, I will use the Full Court of Atonement again, this time between him and his father asking to have their timelines analyzed and correct all conflicts between them. Then ask to resolve all unhealthy cravings for cigarettes.

What if I can’t remember someone’s names?

Imagine them in your mind as strong as you can, this will help to create the connection. 

If you do not know the person then describe your connection just like you would try to explain it to someone else.

The guy I met at the party at Jack’s last week.

The judge I will be standing in front of on June 18th.

The woman I fooled around with last weeks’ husband

Also looking at a photo of the person works excellent.
and I have found the internet is an excellent resource for photos of people. 

 I have searched facebook to look into the eyes of my husband’s nephews!

Looking straight at the person is the most powerful way to call it.

I called an FCOA and it got worse

Everyone who has ever told me that they had “undesirable results” has come back to say it has turned around. It wasn’t as quick as one would have wanted, but what was needed to happen for our highest and best comes to the surface.

The first thing you should do is notice what was said. These are the things you need to work on.

The next thing you need to do is work on the way you feel about what is happening. Here is a link to an article that can help.

Negativity never starts in the other person and comes at us. We always attract it to ourselves by unhealed hurts from the past.

Working on ourselves is easy, and enjoyable. It takes only a couple of minutes and we start to feel better and better. Our lives improve rapidly!

What if I don’t align with my name?

We all have issues with our names.   These subliminal emotional links are connected to our names for many reasons.

Sometimes we are named after someone we do not like. People who have been adopted are often confused by this.

Sometimes kids made fun of our names.  Sometimes from moments when our name was shouted at us in a negative tone of voice, spoken over the loudspeaker, “Amy Jo, you are wanted in the principles office!”

These cringe-worthy moments have been forever associated with our names. more of those moments we have experienced the less we enjoy our name.

The process in the next area below will help put this all together.

Do I have to use all of my name?

Once you align with your birth name you may use whatever name you choose.

In the first blank below, put in your current name. In the second space put in any and all names, you have ever gone by.

I, ________ place myself, ___________ (all names)___________ into a Full Court of Atonement I bring in any and all levels of my consciousness, along with my guides and God for the purpose of Soul Recognition. I bring in all of my parents, grandparents, and the entirety of the family lineages. I ask to correct any and all conflicts within myself and my family lineages regarding my name. I ask to have the power of my birth name, __________ connected to any portion of my current name, ______ that I choose to use now.

Can I say too many?

The only side effect is you might begin to feel sleepy. My guides assure me that no harm can ever come from calling Full Court of Atonement. Be mindful if you are working on other people as to what your reasons are to change them. It is far easier to change ourselves than it is to change another. I always suggest that we “Work on Ourselves First” and make peace with the bad behavior. Then it is easier for the unwanted behavior to change. Follow this link more information on “Working on ourselves first”

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Making a List of Family

Shortly after I figured out that having unhealed issues might be the cause of illnesses and pain.   I decided that I wanted to delve deeper into my own healing.

I took out a pen and paper and created a list of family members and friends.   I wrote down anybody and everyone that I could think of.

Then I went down the list saying their name and noticing how I felt about them. I would say something relatively neutral like my dog’s name, or the name of my town and noticed how I felt. Then I would read each name on the list and notice if my energy rose up or fell.

Using a +10 to -10 scale, I would evaluate the way my energy shifted.  +10 meaning I felt fantastic and -10 meaning UGHH!!!     I remember how shocked I was when I came to my sweet little niece who was only 5 years old and was “The apple of my eye” and my energy dropped to a -6! I thought. “WHAT THE HECK?”

I then asked myself this question. “What happened to cause this fall of energy?” I didn’t think of a thing! I kept asking… “I was with me the whole time… Part of me knows what happened! WHAT HAPPENED?” Finally, I remembered! When she was a toddler, I was babysitting her, and she tripped over a subfloor and split her lip so badly we had to rush her to the doctor to make sure she didn’t need stitches! She didn’t and she healed up perfectly, but it was a huge unhealed event that I blamed myself for. I then placed myself in an FCOA with her and her parents and myself again to be pardoned and forgive myself. I then centered my energy and said her name again, and she rose up to a +8 as I had first thought she would.

I, __________ place myself, ________ into a Full Court of Atonement with, ________ I ask to analyze our timelines and resolve any and all conflicts between us at their points of origin. I ask to resolve any and all reasons I have not forgiven, ____________ yet. I ask to resolve any and-and-all needs for completion. I ask us both to repent, redeem ourselves, and make amends.

I, ________ place myself, ________ into a Full Court of Atonement with each and every level of my consciousness for the purpose of creating openness and willingness to allow the past to be the past and allow my body to heal by forgiving and pardoning,_______.

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Seeing How Things Served Me.

Good evening Abraham

Good evening to you too.

Is there any new and wonderful information you could share with us about clearing and keeping our energy clear and uniquely our own?

Yes, except it is the same as what we’ve talked about before.   I will try again from another direction, if you will.  

If you would like to keep your energy divinely guided and free of argumentative, and detrimental energies such as astral fragments, dark guides, etc… then you absolutely must remove the anchors that are attracting these energies to you.  These anchors are unhealed, unforgiven, lingering memories of events that actually served you quite well for one reason or another, yet, were branded as “THAT SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN ALLOWED TO HAPPEN!”   You believe somewhere, someway, someone should have been able to ensure that you were spared from this kind of abuse.    Or that the person who caused it should have been punished.

What is the best way to dissolve the anchor?

Place yourself and all of the people involved into a Full Court of Atonement for the purpose of seeing what served you at the soul level.

I, _____________ place myself, _______________ into a Full Court of Atonement for the purpose of seeing all the things that I deemed unjust or bad and I ask to recognize how they have served me at the soul level.

What about repeating patterns that are embedded in locations around the house.   For instance, a place where someone used to sit and read the newspaper, how do we best change that energy?

Okay, I am seeing your grandfather sitting at the head of the table where he would read the newspaper and at times slam it down and pontificate his displeasure at the results of a vote or ball game.   The next time he burst out laughing and enjoying a good story helped to remove all of the lingering effects of the negative expletives.

How about people who sit and smoke in the same place?   What would remove the pattern that assists in the desire to repeat the pattern?

Okay, yes, I can see these patterns exist and cause the desire to have a cigarette when your conscious desire is to never smoke again.   In order to remove that kind of lingering energy imprint on the environment then you must make a bold move and statement to counteract the pattern.   There are many things you can do to interrupt this broadcasting signal coming from that location.

You could place a jar of water in that location.   Fill the jar with water and then bless the water, place your intention for it to clean the energy, and to create an environment that supports clean and healthy lungs.    You could place a radio speaker in that location and play enjoyable, happy music in that location and have it disrupt those old patterns.   Make sure that you let the universe know what it is you are planning to do with putting the music in that location.    It will work much faster if you state your intentions out loud.    This way the creative energy of your words goes to work immediately on the dissolution of the old habits.

Playing music, spraying perfume, or clearing with herbs, plants, a happy, sweet animal will all counteract the old patterns.

If you do not wish to bring in a dog, a cat, a bird, or even a fish into your living space for the long term.  Have a friend come to visit and bring with them their pet and play with the puppy in that area for even just a few minutes will help refresh the energy and disrupt the patterns in the house.   Look how disruptive a puppy can be to a neat and tidy home if left unattended for a very short period of time.   Their happy and loving nature will evaporate those old energy patterns in a matter of seconds if they were bouncing their joy off of your heart and the heart of their owner.

© 2018 Amy Jo Ellis  Channeled to her by Abraham.

Amy Jo has Three booklets on the Court of Atonement.   Healing Your Family Tree using the Court of Atonement and Booklet 2 Enhancing Your Life using the Court of Atonement. 

Booklet 3  Making Peace With The Past.
These are both available by PDF files available on her website
You might also enjoy taking one of her classes.  (New classes are posted often so look back regularly.)

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Lowest Emotional State

Since the idea is to keep our vibration high, and our emotions control our frequency, this morning when I woke up, I decided to ask Abraham, what emotional energy is the most detrimental to our energy system?
His answer was.  “Self-defeat and self-condemnation.”
Do you want to know how to tell if you have these?    Do you catch yourself saying anything like; I’m not good enough, I can’t do it, I’m not strong enough, nobody pays any attention to me!  I can never do anything right!

If you do, well then, you are in good company.  Stop being so hard on yourself!

I, __________ place myself, _________ into a Full Court of Atonement with the entirety of my family lineages.   I ask to resolve any and all reasons for self-condemnation and self-defeat.    I ask to create self-courage, self-assuredness, and self-confidence, along with a willingness to try, and a willingness to succeed.

You might need to repeat this a few times to dig out any stuck energy.

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